

According to this gebetsaktion.at article, Our Lady of Medjugorje appeared to visionary Ivan September 20 2022 in the Great Stephan’s Cathedral of Vienna in the presence of Stanislaus Szyrokoradiuk, the Ukrainian Bishop of Odessa-Simferopol, the Archbishop of Vienna Christoph Schönborn, the Marys Meals founder and Milona Habsburg.

Here’s his words after the apparition:

«Dear friends, I would like to tell you briefly what happened to meet the Gospa tonight. Every word is insufficient and is not enough to describe and say everything and to pronounce the beauty of Our Lady. What is most difficult for me is to describe with what love the Our Lady loves us, how much she loves us and leads us with this love. Today the Our Lady came to us very happy and happy. She greeted us all with her maternal greeting:

Praise be Jesus, my dear children!

She focused on all of us and prayed for all of us for a while. After that, she prayed in a special way for all priests present and for the bishop. Then the Gospa spent a time to pray for peace, especially for peace in Ukraine.

After that, the Gospa gave us all her maternal blessing and gave it to all objects brought. I have recommended everything to her: all your concerns, needs and your families. In a special way I have recommended your Excellence, your dioceses and the places where you work and all the priests present. After that, the Gospa prayed over all the priests present and also for calls in the church.

Then She left in that prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross, with a greeting:

Go in peace my dear children.